Thursday, November 19, 2009

A sneek preview

Here's a sneak preview for you. These candle sticks are coming along nicely. They bring together two of the areas of my work, for the first time. The wire work or braiding and fold forming.
The pieces are just stacked together for this pic. Since this pic the ferrules have been shaped to fit, the candle holding pipe has received a drip cup of 12 gauge (thick stuff), and the fabricating
(silver soldering) is done. They are in the pickle now. Final cleaning, prep for a patina and the threaded rod, custom washers and nuts that holds each together are all that remain to be done.
A patina hasn't been chosen as of yet. I'm leaning towards a Roycroft approach. Plan is to do a demo of this piece, complete with process shots. Brad


  1. Love the flow and drape and especially the braiding. Can't wait to see the finished pair.

  2. Well they are coming along nicely. The drip cups have been made. The threaded rod that goes through the total piece for assembly is constructed. Just a little bit of fitting remains, beyond deciding on a final finish. To patina or not? Brad
